Bucket list: to do a marathon once in my life!
So, like many before me (especially many clients i've treated through their marathon campaigns) I've finally taken the plunge and decided to run my first ever marathon, and have even selected one, booked the flights and accommodation so it's not an option - I'm definatey 100% decided on this. The marathon is Barcelona (the measures one goes to to get a nice weekend away!!). The date is 15th March 2015 and the reason for selecting this is that I don't want the training and all consuming marathon training conversation to drag on until half way through next year; I want to crack on with it now and it's also nice to come out the other side of a wet cold dark winter and into spring feeling fit! Besides which there's a crowd of us running so we're in it together.
So, 20 weeks to go and I'll share with you my training plan next.
Oh and there's already a shin splint injury with one of the party so i'll do a piece on that too...turns out it wasnt shin splints but misalignment coming from the hips...